Monday 7 October 2019

The most embarrasing moment i'm willing to admit.

   One of the most embarrassing moments of my life, in fact it was this year in this semester. Was very sad and comical.
Palomas en el árbol Dos palomas    First day, Monday 8 o' clock in the morning, I was coming to university, I had laboratory then suddenly falling pigeon excrement in all my clothes, yeah really gross. My pants, windbreaker, up to my sneakers, everything. I was lucky it didn’t fall in my hair. It was horrible because I was entering medical faculty then I walked and I took off the windbreaker very embarrassing. It wasn’t the best day. Just walk around without looking at anyone because of how embarrassing I was.
  I ran to the lab I felt disgusting but I laughed what had happened to me. Despite everything, now I laugh at what happened.
  But is a fun and disgusting experience to count on occasions like this and that I’ll never forget.
   Also recently I was with a friend in the street talking about de life and suddenly fell dove poop between us but none of us fell, luckily.
   Now I’m afraid it’ll happen again, hopefully not.  

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