Saturday 28 December 2019

What are you really into?

I’m obsessed with cactus. In the backyard of my house I think I have more than 40 cactus, I’ve never counted them but are many and all kinds of varieties. My mother is also obsessed with cactus like me, in fact we go together to the fair to buy suddenly.
Image result for cactus terrarios
   When I was younger I didn’t like them because I saw my mom who always got pricked with thorns when she planted them in another flowerpot. Until one day she asked me for help planting and I did. I liked, I had fun and relaxed. Since then, often on weekends with my mother we plant cactus with different stone decorations in the flowerpot.
       Once with my mom we sold for Christmas and went very well although my mother and her obsession didn't like selling them much.
      Maybe a lot of people don’t like it because they’re arid, rare, prickly but the way their flowers bloom is incredible.
   They are very easy to take care of they don’t need much water just once or twice a week   and need sun but depends on each cactus.
   Finally I have an obsession for the cactus! 

Monday 7 October 2019

Video 1

The most embarrasing moment i'm willing to admit.

   One of the most embarrassing moments of my life, in fact it was this year in this semester. Was very sad and comical.
Palomas en el árbol Dos palomas    First day, Monday 8 o' clock in the morning, I was coming to university, I had laboratory then suddenly falling pigeon excrement in all my clothes, yeah really gross. My pants, windbreaker, up to my sneakers, everything. I was lucky it didn’t fall in my hair. It was horrible because I was entering medical faculty then I walked and I took off the windbreaker very embarrassing. It wasn’t the best day. Just walk around without looking at anyone because of how embarrassing I was.
  I ran to the lab I felt disgusting but I laughed what had happened to me. Despite everything, now I laugh at what happened.
  But is a fun and disgusting experience to count on occasions like this and that I’ll never forget.
   Also recently I was with a friend in the street talking about de life and suddenly fell dove poop between us but none of us fell, luckily.
   Now I’m afraid it’ll happen again, hopefully not.  

Monday 23 September 2019

My favorite concert or vacation

  My favorite vacation was when I was thirteen. I went with my family to "Las Grutas" in Argentina in the summer 2014. It is a beach. 
  It was a very long trip because we crossed Argentina to reach the Atlantic Ocean, we met many towns. The sea water is very hot not like here in Chile that are very cold.
  The trip was three days by car to get there. Long enough but I had a great time with my family.
I remember that the weather was very humid, it was hot every day, there were a lot of people on the beach with their beers and their milanesas the truth was very delicious, I ate many.
Also I remember that in all the evenings about 6 p.m, the tide rose and we had to get off the beach.
  It was a very long trip but I would repeat it again because the place is very nice, you   don´t get bored, there were many places and shops to go, very cool.   

Friday 20 September 2019

A country I would like to visit

  The country I would Like to visit is México. I like this country for its culture, I want to know, the people, its customs, its history and its music.
     It is a country with many archaeological sites, there is one of the seven wonders of the world that is Chichen Itza with a lot of history to know.
    It is parties, as the day of the dead for example, is very interesting to me, where there is a cultural shock because it is a totally joyful day, where the streets are many colors, people have their faces painted, it must be a splendid party.
Image result for mexico en dia de muertos  I like your music is very harmonious, I hope to see mariachis live and live someday. For me Mexicans are very cheerful people. I would like to meet them. Although it is a "dangerous" country, with many criminals, drug traffickers. I want to go to Mexico.
 But I just want to get to know their culture, I wouldn’t study or work there.
  I’m coming for you Mexico...